MEVA Zsalurendszerek Zrt.

Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Mammut 350 reprezinta noua dimensiune a cofrajelor de diafragma, avand o inaltime standard de 3,50 m, respectiv simetrie absoluta la ancorare si rostuire. Elementul de baza are doua inaltimi, de 350 si 250 cm si se poate asambla pe orizontala sau pe verticala, astfel acopera o suprafata de cofrare de 8,75 m². Sistemul poate fi utilizat in constructiile industriale civile, speciale, de locuinte.

  • toate accesoriile Mammut 350 si Mammut sunt compatibile
  • rezistenta admisa la presiune a betonului proaspat 100 kN/m²
  • orice viteza de betonare, pana la o inaltime de 4 m


Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350 - fisa tehnica

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Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350 - instructiuni de montaj

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Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350 - Lista de produse - ghid de executie

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Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350 - Lista de produse

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MEVA Mammut 350

capacitate portanta [kN/m²]

capacitate portanta [kN/m²]


dimensiune - inaltime [cm]

dimensiune - inaltime [cm]


dimensiune - latime [cm]

dimensiune - latime [cm]


domeniu de utilizare

domeniu de utilizare


masa neta/suprafata [kg/m²]

masa neta/suprafata [kg/m²]


tip aparitie

tip aparitie

Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Through its pioneering development in the 1980s of the large-scale, modular, panelised formwork system known as Mammut, MEVA opened up a whole new dimension in formwork efficiency.

Delivering the optimum combination of cost-effectiveness and flexibility for industrial construction and civil engineering, the Mammut product family regularly sets new benchmarks in the formwork market. The outstanding feature of the Mammut 350 heavy-duty formwork is its ability to accommodate fresh concrete pressures of up to 100 kN/m² over the entire surface.

Product characteristics


  • Up to 8,75 m² contact area per panel (350 x 250 cm)
  • For storey heights up to 350 cm without vertical extension


  • Permissible fresh concrete pressure (to DIN 18218) over entire surface of 100 kN/m² (DIN 18202, Tab. 3, Line 7) 

Universal application in industrial construction and civil engineering

Closed hollow steel frame profile

  • Structurally robust
  • Torsion-proof
  • Hot-dip galvanised to facilitate cleaning and reduce concrete adhesion

Smart multifunctional profile

  • Welded-in Dywidag nuts
  • All accessories, e.g. brackets, push-pull props and alignment rails, attached with MEVA flange screw

Tying for inclined or stepped-level formwork

  • Tie hole with conical steel anchor sleeve, welded in from both sides 

Intelligent MEVA product design

  • MEVA assembly lock for a structurally continuous connection with only a few hammer blows
  • Bump notches for panel widths of 125 cm and more to ­simplify adjustment and alignment with crow bar
  • High-quality alkus all-plastic facing with 7-year warranty

Compatible with Mammut XT 

  • Which combines three tying methods in a single system

Thinking big with Mammut

  • Multi-function profile
    Made from closed hollow steel profiles with welded-in DW 15 nuts for rapid, structurally continuous connection of accessories
  • Hot-dip galvanised frame
    Surface finish facilitates cleaning and reduces concrete adhesion
  • Closed hollow profile
    For high stability and a long service life
  • Transport hole
    Designed to take the lifting hook 60 for rapid ­loading/unloading and movement of panel stacks
  • Bump notch
    Fitted at four corners for panel widths of 125 cm and more to simplify adjustment and alignment with crow bar
  • Tie hole
    With conical anchor sleeve, welded in from both sides
  • alkus all-plastic facing
    No water absorption, resistant to swelling and shrinkage. Smooth, robust surface guarantees a high-quality concrete finish, even after heavy use
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Mammut 350 panels and corners

The wide range of Mammut 350 panels ensures prompt and flexible formwork assembly for rapid progress on site. All panels can be set in an upright or horizontal position to ensure easy adaptation to specific layout geometries. The system offers a particularly cost-effective solution on projects with varying storey heights, e.g. residential or commercial buildings with basement car parks.

Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
  • Panel heights of 350, 300, 250 and 125 cm 
  • Panel widths from 250 to 25 cm
  • 90° inside and outside corners 
  • Hinged corners continuously adjustable between 60 and
  • 180°, with locking device for frequently recurring angles
  • All corner configurations formed with standard corner panels.

Mammut 350 saves time
Mammut 350 is easy to set up and allows unlimited pour speeds for heights of up to 4 m. Large formats, with a maximum of 8,75 m² per panel, ensure rapid progress of work on site. Storey heights of up to 350 cm can be cast with a single panel, with no need for vertical extension. 

Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Top performance
Accommodating maximum permissible fresh concrete pressures of 100 kN/m², Mammut 350 offers outstandlingly short pour times due to the unlimited speeds possible for concrete lifts of up to 4 m. Panel widths of 100 cm or more require the use of DW 20 tie rods.

Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Only two ties are needed for heights up to 3 m and three for heights up to 3,5 m

Ideal for fair-faced concrete
Mammut 350 offers the ideal solution in meeting the diverse requirements placed on fair-faced concrete. The visual impact achieved by the alkus all-plastic facing, in conjunction with the symmetrical tie and joint pattern, ensures that – whatever the specified grade of fair-faced concrete – the system significantly enhances the overall architectural appeal of any project.

Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Cost-effective all-in system

Modular safety

This safety system with a working platform is easy to install using a single component – the flange screw. A loadbearing capacity of up to 200 kg/m² guarantees start-to-finish safety throughout the assembly and concreting operations.

Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
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Cofraj special MEVA
Cofraj special MEVA alkus

Cofrajul cu fete flexibile alkus se poate indoi la orice forma pentru a forma beton cu mare precizie. Suprafetele sunt netede fara sudura. Accentul este pus pe fezabilitate, rentabilitate, crearea unui proces de constructie fara probleme si rezultatul dorit. Astfel, specialistii MEVA dezvolta propuneri care sa se potriveasca cerintelor, cum ar fi: panouri de colt pentru statii de tratare a apelor uzate; piese speciale pentru pereti inclinati, curbati; panouri speciale pentru placi; cofraj dreptunghiular si circular; versiuni speciale din otel pentru constructia de tuneluri.

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Cofraj pentru plansee MevaFlex
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaFlex

MevaFlex este un sistem versatil si usor de utilizat pentru placi de lemn. Avantajul sau cel mai evident este flexibilitatea sa, care permite utilizarea sa optima in cazul planselor cu planuri de planseu complexe si in cazul placilor cu grosimi variabile si schimbatoare.

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Card produs
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Panourile pot fi manevrate cu usurinta manual. Sistemul portant din grinzi: fara popi suplimentari de sustinere, mai putine elemente de asamblare. Cofrare fara decalaje si miscare libera a panourilor MevaDec si peste capetele cazatoare. Adaptare usoara la geometria cladirilor. Reducerea zonelor de compensare. Schimbare fara decalaje a directiei de cofrare. Siguranta sporita la intervale scurte de decofrare (8,0 N/mm²). Sistemul patentat cu cap cazator permite decofrarea timpurie. Popii raman nemiscati pentru sprijinire suplimentara. Avantajul sistemului: componentele identice pot fi utilizate in situatii diferite, iar pozitia si numarul popilor sunt intotdeauna indicate. 1 sistem - 3 metode: 1. Metoda panourilor; 2. Metoda grinzilor principale si secundare si 3. Metoda cap cazator - grinda - panou.

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