MEVA Zsalurendszerek Zrt.

Cofraj special MEVA alkus

Cofrajul cu fete flexibile alkus se poate indoi la orice forma pentru a forma beton cu mare precizie. Suprafetele sunt netede fara sudura. Accentul este pus pe fezabilitate, rentabilitate, crearea unui proces de constructie fara probleme si rezultatul dorit. Astfel, specialistii MEVA dezvolta propuneri care sa se potriveasca cerintelor, cum ar fi: panouri de colt pentru statii de tratare a apelor uzate; piese speciale pentru pereti inclinati, curbati; panouri speciale pentru placi; cofraj dreptunghiular si circular; versiuni speciale din otel pentru constructia de tuneluri.

  • solutii personalizate
  • eficienta maxima
  • pentru suprafete mari


Cofraj special MEVA alkus - prezentare generala

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Cofraj special MEVA alkus

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domeniu de utilizare

domeniu de utilizare

realizarea suprafetelor curbate/circulare/dreptunghiulare;
constructie tuneluri;
constructie scari sub forma de spirala;
constructia elementelor geometrice complexe




MEVA Special Formwork

Modified to suit your specific needs

Need something a little different? With MEVA Special Formwork you have the option to take our standard formwork products and have them modified to suit your specific needs.

Cofraj special MEVA
Cofraj special MEVA

Each project has its own unique challenges, at MEVA we have efficient solutions that allow modifications of our products to form corner panels, special parts for curved or inclined walls, all designed to work hand-in-hand with our standard accessory range.
Special formwork opens the door to help you achieve design concepts or just to fix a problem corner or shape that needs that something extra.
Even our alkus all-plastic facing panels can be adapted and moulded around sub-structures to give you the perfect finish.

Cofraj special MEVA
Cofraj special MEVA

Customised solutions

  • Formulate the best solution based on finish, application and fresh concrete pressure, all delivered to your site

Ultimate efficiency

  • A blend of the best formwork products and the know-how of our expert design team.

Flexible facings

  • Bend alkus to any shape to form concrete with high precision
  • Options for alkus or plywood depending on structure type and finish
  • Seamless smooth surfaces

For large surfaces to the highest uniform finishes

  • Pre-shaped and ready to form
  • Delivered to your site ready to fit and pour, from stairwells to customised end corners.
Cofraj special MEVA
Cofraj special MEVA

Specified, designed and created for you

The focus is on feasibility, cost-effectiveness, creating a smooth construction process and your desired outcome. MEVA specialists develop proposals to suit your requirements such as:

  • Corner panels for wastewater treatment plants
  • Special parts for inclined, curved walls
  • Special panels for slabs
  • Rectangular and circular formwork
  • Special steel versions for tunnel construction.

As each product modification is unique we provide a full specification of what we have created for you. This will give you all of the performance details, materials and details you need to construct your special formwork safely and within the designed tolerances.

Cofraj special MEVA
Cofraj special MEVA
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MEVA's unique support frame concept at the extension of the Vienna metro
Support frame concept from MEVA plays to its strengths in a very confined space
MEVA's unique support frame concept at the extension of the Vienna metro
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Unique Tunnel Arch - MEVA project: “Am Aubuckel” cycling tunnel Mannheim, Germany
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Unique Tunnel Arch - MEVA project: “Am Aubuckel” cycling tunnel Mannheim, Germany
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Contractor: Ed. Züblin AG, Bereich Stuttgart (D)
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Centurion Staircase in tulip design with MEVA's Special Formwork
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Centurion Staircase in tulip design with MEVA's Special Formwork
Alte produse ale companiei
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Mammut 350 reprezinta noua dimensiune a cofrajelor de diafragma, avand o inaltime standard de 3,50 m, respectiv simetrie absoluta la ancorare si rostuire. Elementul de baza are doua inaltimi, de 350 si 250 cm si se poate asambla pe orizontala sau pe verticala, astfel acopera o suprafata de cofrare de 8,75 m². Sistemul poate fi utilizat in constructiile industriale civile, speciale, de locuinte.

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Card produs
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme

EcoAs este un sistem robust, modular de cofraje pentru diafragme oferind flexibilitate pe santierele de constructii rezidentiale si comerciale, fara sa necesite macara. Este echipata cu foaia cofranta din plastic, de lunga durata alkus. Cofrajul este perfect pentru fundatii si puturi, respectiv bazine de inot si lucrari industriale usoare. Disponibil din stocul MEVA.

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Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT
Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT

In situatia in care avem de cofrat pereti lungi cu inaltime mare, vine la indemana sistemul nou de ancorare dintr-o parte. Solutiile existente necesita accesorii suplimentare, respectiv cele doua laturi ale cofrajelor sunt diferite. Cu sistemul Mammut XT aceste probleme dispar. Sistemul nou, combina avantajele metodelor existente si elimina dezavantajele tehnice. Fiind sistem monobloc, se evita pierderea accesoriilor complementare.

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Cofraje StarTec XT
Cofraje StarTec XT

Conexiunea combinata integrata a noului cofraj StarTec XT combina 3 moduri de conectare intr-un singur sistem, intre care se poate comuta cu usurinta, chiar si cu o singura miscare a mainii, fara a instala accesorii suplimentare. Astfel, cofrajele unilaterale, ofera avantajele unor timpi de cofrare semnificativ mai scurti. StarTec XT este pe deplin compatibil cu StarTec si cu obturatorul AluStar, nu necesita utilizarea macaralelor.

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Card produs
Cofraj de diafragme AluFix, de categorie usoara Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Sisteme de cofraje MEVA
6 produse

Sisteme de cofraje modulare de mana MEVA de categorie usoara si pentru diafragme.

6 produse
Vezi detalii
Card produs
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Unitate cofraj si schelarie, scara
Unitate cofraj si schelarie, scara
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Schela de sustinere, pop
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Cofraj pentru planseu
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Cofraj de stalp

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