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Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC

Sistemele de cofraje cataratoare MEVA MAC sunt proiectate in functie de nevoile specifice ale clientului. Sistemul automat de catarare MEVA (MAC) se extinde hidraulic ca o singura unitate, simplificand procesul de constructie si sporind siguranta, comparativ cu sistemele de catarare in care fiecare platforma urca individual. De asemenea, este independent de macara, economisind timp si bani.

  • sigur si eficient, urcare automata fara a fi nevoie de o macara
  • platforma de lucru complet acoperita si inchisa
  • se urca ca o singura unitate, economisind timp si bani


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Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC

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MAC - Automatic climbing at great heights

Quick and easy: simple-to-open formwork

Proven track record in across the world

Safety and speedy construction are the priorities when erecting very tall buildings. MEVA offers ideal solutions ranging from classic climbing scaffolds to automatic climbing systems for all high-rise construction projects ensuring efficient and quick climbing, even under challenging conditions.

The MEVA automatic climbing (MAC) system climbs hydraulically as a single unit, simplifying the construction process and ­increasing safety, compared with climbing systems in which every platform climbs individually. It’s also crane independent, saving time and money.

MAC’s proven track record includes the two highest office buildings in ­Switzerland, the Roche Tower buildings 1 and 2; the tallest building on the Indian ­subcontinent, the Palais Royale in Mumbai; and the One World Hotel in ­Singapore.

The completely covered and enclosed unit provides ­comfortable ­working conditions as well as protection against the weather. The platform provides a comfortable working area and sufficient storage spaces as well as allowing concrete placing booms to be integrated. Work on wall and slab can be performed ­independently, increasing productivity and ensuring rapid construction.

MAC’s clever design enables the formwork to be adapted quickly and easily to the building’s geometry. In addition, entire gangs can be moved in a single operation, saving time whenever the formwork is set up or stripped. The complete unit can be raised by 4.5m in just 60 minutes and can be performed by small teams.

MAC can be pre-assembled upon request for rapid and efficient assembly on site. It can be used with all MEVA wall formwork systems.

Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC
Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC
Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC
Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC

Safe and efficient, climbing automatically without the need for a crane.

Crane independent

  • Fast and efficient, especially at great heights
  • Frees up crane for other tasks.

Climbing process

  • Tried-and-tested technology
  • Improved efficiency
  • Shorter construction time.

Safe access
Integrated platforms and ladders.

High-performance hydraulic system
Climbs as a single unit, saving time and money.

Flexibly adaptable
Modular system.

Minimal timings
Just one day needed for stripping, climbing and setting up the formwork. Depending on the duration of the boxout work, four days per cycle have already been achieved on numerous occasions.

Completely covered and closed working platform

  • Comfortable working conditions
  • Protected from the elements
  • Screening blocks outside view and also provides privacy
  • Construction schedule independent of weather
  • Enables work to be performed independently on wall and slab.

MAC Automated climbing systems are designed and engineered around your specific needs.

Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC
Cofraj catarator MEVA MAC

High performance
Hydraulic system of the MAC automatic climbing system allows a stroke of 4.5 m (20 t/cylinder).

Reduced material costs
The bearing pockets are removed from the trailing platform and reused during the next climbing stage. This reduces the material costs, as no lost build-in parts are left over in the concrete.

Stiri conexe
Newly built tower blocks in Manchester using MEVA MAC tower formwork system
Newly built tower blocks in Manchester using MEVA MAC automatic climbing system
Working in tandem, two MEVA Automated Climbing (MAC) systems built one storey every five days on these four residential towers in Manchester
Newly built tower blocks in Manchester using MEVA MAC automatic climbing system
Alte produse ale companiei
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Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT

In situatia in care avem de cofrat pereti lungi cu inaltime mare, vine la indemana sistemul nou de ancorare dintr-o parte. Solutiile existente necesita accesorii suplimentare, respectiv cele doua laturi ale cofrajelor sunt diferite. Cu sistemul Mammut XT aceste probleme dispar. Sistemul nou, combina avantajele metodelor existente si elimina dezavantajele tehnice. Fiind sistem monobloc, se evita pierderea accesoriilor complementare.

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Cofraj special MEVA alkus

Cofrajul cu fete flexibile alkus se poate indoi la orice forma pentru a forma beton cu mare precizie. Suprafetele sunt netede fara sudura. Accentul este pus pe fezabilitate, rentabilitate, crearea unui proces de constructie fara probleme si rezultatul dorit. Astfel, specialistii MEVA dezvolta propuneri care sa se potriveasca cerintelor, cum ar fi: panouri de colt pentru statii de tratare a apelor uzate; piese speciale pentru pereti inclinati, curbati; panouri speciale pentru placi; cofraj dreptunghiular si circular; versiuni speciale din otel pentru constructia de tuneluri.

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Cofraj pentru plansee MevaFlex
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaFlex

MevaFlex este un sistem versatil si usor de utilizat pentru placi de lemn. Avantajul sau cel mai evident este flexibilitatea sa, care permite utilizarea sa optima in cazul planselor cu planuri de planseu complexe si in cazul placilor cu grosimi variabile si schimbatoare.

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Card produs
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Panourile pot fi manevrate cu usurinta manual. Sistemul portant din grinzi: fara popi suplimentari de sustinere, mai putine elemente de asamblare. Cofrare fara decalaje si miscare libera a panourilor MevaDec si peste capetele cazatoare. Adaptare usoara la geometria cladirilor. Reducerea zonelor de compensare. Schimbare fara decalaje a directiei de cofrare. Siguranta sporita la intervale scurte de decofrare (8,0 N/mm²). Sistemul patentat cu cap cazator permite decofrarea timpurie. Popii raman nemiscati pentru sprijinire suplimentara. Avantajul sistemului: componentele identice pot fi utilizate in situatii diferite, iar pozitia si numarul popilor sunt intotdeauna indicate. 1 sistem - 3 metode: 1. Metoda panourilor; 2. Metoda grinzilor principale si secundare si 3. Metoda cap cazator - grinda - panou.

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Card produs
Panouri de cofraj pentru coloane AluFix
Panouri de cofraj pentru coloane AluFix

Panourile de cofraj pentru coloane AluFix cu inaltimea de 150 si 300 cm, permit cofrari cu o precizie la centimetru pentru sectiunile transversale ale coloanelor in trepte de 5 cm pana la max. 60 × 60 cm lungime laterala. Versatilitatea invinge totul: panourile de coloana sunt echipate cu toate functiile AluFix testate in timp si pot servi, de asemenea, ca panouri standard. Capacitatea de incarcare a betonului proaspat pe intreaga suprafata ajunge la 50 kN/m² pentru trei randuri de legaturi si la 75 kN/m² in cazul in care se utilizeaza patru randuri de legaturi.

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