MEVA Zsalurendszerek Zrt.

Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme

EcoAs este un sistem robust, modular de cofraje pentru diafragme oferind flexibilitate pe santierele de constructii rezidentiale si comerciale, fara sa necesite macara. Este echipata cu foaia cofranta din plastic, de lunga durata alkus. Cofrajul este perfect pentru fundatii si puturi, respectiv bazine de inot si lucrari industriale usoare. Disponibil din stocul MEVA.

  • solutie de baza pentru suprafete mici
  • sistemul poate fi montat manual
  • multifunctional si compact


Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme - prezentare generala

prezentare generala

pdf 2.4 MB Engleza
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme - fisa tehnica

fisa tehnica

pdf 15.5 MB Engleza
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme - instructiuni de montaj

instructiuni de montaj

pdf 16.2 MB Engleza
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme

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capacitate portanta [kN/m²]

capacitate portanta [kN/m²]


dimensiune - inaltime [cm]

dimensiune - inaltime [cm]


dimensiune - latime [cm]

dimensiune - latime [cm]


domeniu de utilizare

domeniu de utilizare

curti de lumina;
grinzi, grinzi intoarse;
rampe scari;
ziduri de sprijin gradina;
camine de vizitare canalizare

EcoAs Wall Formwork

Versatile, cost-effective and robust hand-set formwork

Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme

Saves time and money
No need for cranes means efficient assembly with less labour

Faced with irregular spaces or uneven terrain and need a versatile, cost-effective and quick-to-assemble solution?

EcoAs is a flexible modular steel formwork system that offers a wide range of panel sizes to tackle awkward floor plans. It also provides trouble-free corner solutions for any wall thickness.

Forget cranes, the compact, ergonomic panel design enables easy, quick and safe assembly by hand, saving time and cutting labour costs.

Smooth, non-absorbent alkus facing can tackle the highest fair-faced concrete requirements, while high fresh concrete pressure absorption enables fast and efficient concreting.

EcoAs is also fully compatible with the lightweight AluFix hand-set formwork, saving you time and money.

Crane-free steel system


  • For use over a wide range of irregular spaces and terrains.


  • Column elements of 350 × 90, 300 × 90 and 150 × 90 cm can be used flexibly for different column widths.
  • Precise shuttering for column cross-sections in 5 cm increments up to max. 75 × 75 cm side length, achieving the highest fair-faced concrete requirements.
  • Panel heights of 350 to 80 cm and panel widths of 100 to 25 cm for problem-free corner solutions with any wall thickness.

AluFix compatible

  • Use with AluFix as a cost-effective option with the alternative 12 mm multi-ply timber panel.


  • Ideal for hard-to-access, irregular spaces or uneven terrain where cranes would be time consuming and costly.
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme

Product Uses

Cost-effective and flexible for irregular spaces
EcoAs is a versatile and flexible modular formwork system made of hot-dip galvanised and post-treated steel for all applications in building construction and civil engineering. Its wide panel range makes it ideal for hard-to-access and irregular spaces, from light wells, downstand and upstand beams stairways to sewer shafts, and for foundation or floor slab formwork. It can also be used as a secondary formwork to spare your main system, the options are endless.

  • Columns
  • Foundations
  • Walls
  • Residential and Commercial.
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Technical Information
Performance Permissible fresh concrete pressure (DIN 18218) over full surface of 50 kN/m² (flatness tolerances to DIN 18202, Tab. 3, Line 6).
Materials Steel. Structurally robust. Torsion-proof.
Heights (cm) 300, 240, 160, 150, 120, 80 (350 = Column Panel).
Widths (cm) 100, 80, 55, 50, 45, 40, 30, 25.
Profile 23 mm, closed steel profile for high stability and durability.
Protective Coating Hot-dip galvanised, surface post-treatment. Easy cleaning and reduced concrete adhesion.
Crane Independant Yes. Hand-set Formwork.
Tying System DW Ø 15 mm. Admissible load capacity 90 kN (DIN 18216), double-sided tying.
Connections Panels: EA assembly lock. Time-saving, stepless, friction-locked with a few hammer blows. Welded-in Dywidag nuts.
Accessories: Welded-in DW-15 nuts, for quick and force-fit attachment of accessories with a single flange screw.
Orientation Symmetrical panels. Can be used horizontally and vertically.
Components Column Panel, Inside Corner, Outside Corner, Hinged Inside Corner, Hinged Outside Corner, Fillers.
Corners Available panel dimensions allow for trouble-free corner solutions with any wall thickness.
Facings High-quality alkus all-plastic facing. 7-year warranty on all panels.
Compatibility AluFix.
Multi-purpose panels With perforated profiles to be used as column formwork or to concrete pilasters, stop ends, connections to existing walls, corner configurations, etc.
Stiri conexe
Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane
Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane
Benefits of installing formwork without a crane
Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane
Alte produse ale companiei
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350

Mammut 350 reprezinta noua dimensiune a cofrajelor de diafragma, avand o inaltime standard de 3,50 m, respectiv simetrie absoluta la ancorare si rostuire. Elementul de baza are doua inaltimi, de 350 si 250 cm si se poate asambla pe orizontala sau pe verticala, astfel acopera o suprafata de cofrare de 8,75 m². Sistemul poate fi utilizat in constructiile industriale civile, speciale, de locuinte.

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Card produs
Cofraj de diafragme StarTec
Cofraj de diafragme StarTec

StarTec este un cofraj universal extrem de robust, foarte eficient, din otel foarte durabil, utilizat atat pentru peretii de dimensiuni mici, cat si pentru cei de dimensiuni mari. Prin combinarea suprainaltarii pe verticala si imbinarii pe orizontala, rezulta un rost continuu pe verticala in orice situatie de cofrare. Acest tip de cofraj este potrivit pentru activitati de constructie, in cadrul constructiilor de case si locuinte, respectiv constructiilor industriale.

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Card produs
Cofraj de diafragme AluFix, de categorie usoara Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Sisteme de cofraje MEVA
6 produse

Sisteme de cofraje modulare de mana MEVA de categorie usoara si pentru diafragme.

6 produse
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Card produs
Cofraje StarTec XT
Cofraje StarTec XT

Conexiunea combinata integrata a noului cofraj StarTec XT combina 3 moduri de conectare intr-un singur sistem, intre care se poate comuta cu usurinta, chiar si cu o singura miscare a mainii, fara a instala accesorii suplimentare. Astfel, cofrajele unilaterale, ofera avantajele unor timpi de cofrare semnificativ mai scurti. StarTec XT este pe deplin compatibil cu StarTec si cu obturatorul AluStar, nu necesita utilizarea macaralelor.

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Card produs
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60

Sistemul modular MT60 se caracterizeaza prin securitate built-in si capacitate portanta inalta. Se monteaza rapid si simplu pe teren si poate fi folosit pentru cofrarea planseelor de diferite inaltimi, respectiv pentru diverse functii de sprijinire. MT60 este compatibil cu sistemul de cofraje pentru plansee MevaDec. Compatibil cu sistemul MevaFlex, cu sistemul meselor cofrante, cu structuri cu grinzi din aluminiu, respectiv este compatibil cu sistemul MEP.

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Categorii recomandate
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Cofraj de perete
Unitate cofraj si schelarie, scara
Unitate cofraj si schelarie, scara
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Schela de sustinere, pop
Esafodaj, schela de protectie si ecran de protectie
Esafodaj, schela de protectie si ecran de protectie
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