Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane

Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane

Benefits of installing formwork without a crane

Busy construction hotspots can often be identified from the number of cranes that dot the horizon. For many projects – particularly large or high-rise buildings – a crane seems a necessity. However, there are many situations where a crane is impractical or unavailable. Whilst this may impact many different construction activities, installing the concrete formwork is one area that may also be affected – unless an alternative option was available.

Situations Where Cranes are Unavailable
An increasing focus for the construction industry is to regenerate crowded city centres and redevelop existing brownfield sites, particularly in densely populated countries such as the UK. However, getting a large crane onto a site with restricted access can prove difficult at best. In some cases, manoeuvring a crane into a heavily developed area or plot may be impossible.

Access is not the only concern when considering whether a crane is the best solution. In some locations, labour is less expensive and is therefore more attractive than investing in expensive equipment hire such as cranes. In these cases, there are many workers available but traditional formwork solutions may prove to be too heavy for manual installation.

On the other hand, cranes may be available on site, but there may be limited funds for plant hire, installation, and maintenance. Therefore, the cranes have no capacity for activities such as formwork installation. Instead, the crane(s) would be dedicated to installing heavy items such as concrete reinforcement. They may also be reserved for at-height work, like installing façade panels on a high-rise building.

Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane
Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane

Benefits of Installing Formwork Without a Crane
Irrespective of the reasons why a crane is not available for formwork installation, having the option to use formwork that is easy to handle manually provides another benefit. It makes the formwork installation independent from the availability of the crane, enabling formwork to be installed – and, therefore, in-situ concrete to be poured – in parallel with other construction activities. In situations where timeframes are tight, this can help accelerate the programme without much disruption or additional cost.

The lighter weight also helps achieve higher productivity on site, as workers are less fatigued from moving heavy materials. The simple system is easy to learn and use, and fewer workers are required to install the formwork.

Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane
Tips from MEVA: How to install formwork without a crane

Lightweight Formwork Systems
To assist with situations such as these, MEVA offers a wide range of hand-set formwork. For example, AluFix is a lightweight modular formwork system that uses an aluminium frame as opposed to steel. The hollow aluminium profile is easy to handle thanks to the ergonomic grip profile, while still providing a robust and impact-resistant surface. The alkus® all-plastic facing which is attached to the frame provides a smooth surface for an excellent finish, whilst also ensuring that the panels are as lightweight as possible for extra-safe placement by hand. AluFix is suitable for casting walls, columns, and even slabs, and offers a high degree of flexibility thanks to the wide range of panel heights and widths available. For even more flexibility, the AluStar formwork system provides a wider range of hinged corner panels to achieve the required shape.

Similarly, the MonoDec and MevaDec slab formwork systems are also made with lightweight aluminium. The plastic-faced MevaDec 160/80 cm panel weighs just 16 kg/m², whilst the fully aluminium MonoDec panel weighs 19.56 kg/m² on average, making crane-free installation a viable and safe option. Each system can be used with the three slab-forming methods, including drophead-beam-panel method, primary- and secondary-beam method, and the panel method. The wide range of sizes available ensure that both systems can be flexibly adapted to suit any layout and slab thickness.

The EcoAs hand-set formwork is another option for crane-free installation, instead using a galvanised steel frame for a flexible and cost-effective alternative. Each compact panel is available in widths between 25 to 100 cm, making them easy to handle. The all-plastic facing ensures a smooth finish, and the entire range is compatible with AluFix formwork for a system that can adapt to any requirements.

A Range of Options
Whatever the situation, MEVA have a wide range of lightweight, hand-set formwork systems that can be installed with or without a crane. Whether you are working in a space-restricted area, or simply need to commit crane resources to other activities, there are hand-set formwork systems available to ensure that the concrete pour can proceed independent of crane availability.​

Produse mentionate in articol
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec
Cofraj pentru plansee MevaDec

Panourile pot fi manevrate cu usurinta manual. Sistemul portant din grinzi: fara popi suplimentari de sustinere, mai putine elemente de asamblare. Cofrare fara decalaje si miscare libera a panourilor MevaDec si peste capetele cazatoare. Adaptare usoara la geometria cladirilor. Reducerea zonelor de compensare. Schimbare fara decalaje a directiei de cofrare. Siguranta sporita la intervale scurte de decofrare (8,0 N/mm²). Sistemul patentat cu cap cazator permite decofrarea timpurie. Popii raman nemiscati pentru sprijinire suplimentara. Avantajul sistemului: componentele identice pot fi utilizate in situatii diferite, iar pozitia si numarul popilor sunt intotdeauna indicate. 1 sistem - 3 metode: 1. Metoda panourilor; 2. Metoda grinzilor principale si secundare si 3. Metoda cap cazator - grinda - panou.

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Card produs
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme
Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme

EcoAs este un sistem robust, modular de cofraje pentru diafragme oferind flexibilitate pe santierele de constructii rezidentiale si comerciale, fara sa necesite macara. Este echipata cu foaia cofranta din plastic, de lunga durata alkus. Cofrajul este perfect pentru fundatii si puturi, respectiv bazine de inot si lucrari industriale usoare. Disponibil din stocul MEVA.

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Cofraj de diafragme AluFix, de categorie usoara
Cofraj de diafragme AluFix, de categorie usoara

AluFix este un cofraj de mana in sine. Sistemul de cofraje cu caracteristic tehnice de nivel inalt, la un raport pret-performanta imbatabil. Ideal pentru constructii civile si renovari, respectiv in lucrari de amenajare a teritoriului sau de infrastructura usoara. Dispune de un profil ergonomic care permite o manevrare usoara, care poate fi executat si de o singura persoana, astfel economisind forta de munca ori de cate ori santierul nu dispune de macara.

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