The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings

The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings

Marktl/Wasungen - On an arterial road in the small town of Elst, not far from Arnhem (NL), architect Kees Marcelis was commissioned by a family to design a prestigious home that was perfectly tailored to their wishes. Not only his clients, but also the local residents are impressed by the built result and call it "Het Gouden Huis" due to the savannah beige aluminium skin from PREFA, which shimmers like gold in the right light.

The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings
The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings

Proven principles

The 300 m² building consists of an elongated low-rise building and a main house with a pitched roof, which is formally inspired by classic detached houses from the 1970s. As is so often the case, Kees Marcelis began his design process from the inside out, which led to the decision to direct the view from the rooms out into the expanse of the surrounding landscape by turning it away from the street. For this reason, the architect realised a closed façade on the street side, while he designed the building to be open towards the garden and the neighbouring cornfield. A recurring element in his designs is also the open floor plan, which in the residential building was designed with a box-like positioning of functional rooms such as the cloakroom, bathroom and WC.

The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings
The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings

Finished with aluminium

Kees Marcelis' concept was completed by a flowing design of the transitions between the interior and exterior spaces and a minimalist material language that brings calm to the building. He and his team opted for Falzonal and Prefalz to clad the house with a lightweight, durable material. As a visual highlight, they had the aluminium formed with fine pilaster strips running across the roof and façade, which emphasise the compact shape of the building without overhangs and the high quality of the material. They give rhythm to the façade and testify to Marcelis' fascination with the flowing quality of long, straight lines, which he uses again and again in his work: The eye follows these lines and finds an elegant generosity in them.

The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings
The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings

Folded lightness

"It's exciting to see how differently three-dimensional the seams look," comments Johan Duinkerke, the craftsman responsible for the project, on his completed work in Elst. He remembers the strict requirement to form the façades with seven centimetre high standing seams on the front sides, for which he had to build suitable tools himself. He used the coloured aluminium Falzonal specially developed by PREFA for such tasks and raves about the properties of the alloy, its coating and the lightness of the material.

The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings
The golden house - Dutch family house with PREFA Prefalz and Falconal roof and façade coverings


Falzonal and Prefalz, Savannah Beige and P.10 Anthracite.

Produse mentionate in articol
Tabla prefaltuita pentru acoperis PREFA Prefalz
Tabla prefaltuita pentru acoperis PREFA Prefalz

Datorita flexibilitatii Prefalz, foile de tabla metalice prefaltuite sunt mai usor de modelat, decat majoritatea materialelor asemanatoare si, datorita acestui fapt, ofera designerilor o gama larga de posibilitati de aplicare in domeniul solutiilor de acoperis si de fatada. Versatil - de la acoperisuri arcuite suspendate la cele mai complexe constructii, acoperisuri tip cupola sau acoperisuri cu suprafata mare. Prelucrarea materialului se poate realiza economic, usor si fara probleme la temperaturi exterioare (sub 0°C). Panta acoperisului este recomandata sa fie de minim 7° (13%). Datorita calitatii inalte a lacului, tablele metalice prefaltuite au o durata de viata ridicata si sunt complet reciclabile.

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Card produs
Tabla prefaltuita pentru fatada PREFA Prefalz
Tabla prefaltuita pentru fatada PREFA Prefalz

Foile de tabla prefaltuite PREFA Prefalz realizate din aluminiu sunt mai flexibile decat alte materiale prefaltuite asemanatoare faltuite, prin urmare, sunt mai usor de modelat. Ca urmare, ofera nenumarate posibilitati de design, realizarea carora, cu ajutorul altor materiale, ar fi aproape imposibile. Flexibilitatea foilor de tabla nu va afecta calitatea vopselei, astfel, rezistenta fatadei este garantata pe termen lung.

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Card produs
Invelitori metalice pentru acoperis PREFA Falzonal
Invelitori metalice pentru acoperis PREFA Falzonal

Invelitoare metalica pentru acoperis deosebit de potrivita pentru acoperisuri si fatade. In functie de preferinte, pot fi combinate cu diferite materiale precum lemn, sticla sau otel. Pot fi realizate atat sisteme de acoperis si fatade ventilate, cu protectie impotriva ploii, cu pereti dubli, cat si sisteme complexe de fatada.

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Card produs
Invelitoare metalica pentru fatada PREFA Falzonal
Invelitoare metalica pentru fatada PREFA Falzonal

Prefa Falzonal este un aliaj din aluminiu semifinisat, colorat, cu proprietati mecanice adaptate, astfel incat produsul sa faca fata cu succes aplicarii pe fatade ventilate complexe. Fiind disponibil intr-o gama foarte larga de culori, majoritatea culorilor sunt disponibile la cerere.

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