Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof

Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof

PREFA Prefalz roof in P.10 black color and roof drainage via a downpipe behind the façade

Marktl/Wasungen – For generations, families have owned small weekend houses in a pine forest near the village of Kolonia Karcmy (PL). Some have been lovingly cared for and maintained, or also modernized. Rafał Stramski took an opportunity to buy a previously undeveloped parcel and constructed the “Boroteka” for family and guests – a small refuge with a striking PREFA roof.

Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof

Great things on a small footprint

The client communicated his clear ideas and intentions for the project right from the start. The building regulation specifications restricted the gross floor area to only 35 m².

Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof

As a result, the floor plan had to be well thought out to accommodate the desired features, including a spacious kitchen, a living room with sofa bed and fireplace, the sanitary facilities under the staircase leading to the bedroom, as well as storage areas and the space for the home technology.

Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof

Scandinavia right in the middle of poland

The wooden structure was planned meticulously: Due to the high quality demands for surfaces and workmanship, it was manufactured by a prestigious Swiss timber construction company from first-rate glued laminated timber with 100% fitting accuracy and delivered as a kit. The finely finished white varnished interior surfaces present a strong contrast to the rustic black façade elements. For the interior design, Stramski turned to designer Jan Sekułas from Zarysy Studio in Łódź, who gave the house a mix of restraint, comfort and cosiness in the Scandinavian style.

Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof

Unique character

The diagonal roof ridge gives the building an interesting appearance despite its square floor plan. It is the reason why a roof with rising eaves heights on both sides was created. Tinsmith Lech Chrzanowski responded skillfully to this unique aspect: “I wanted the roof to accentuate the special character of the house using the Prefalz in P.10 black and a configuration featuring uniform trays.” He was also responsible for the roof drainage via a downpipe behind the façade, which could only be achieved using a custom solution.


  • Prefalz
  • P.10 black.
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Boroteka – Rejuvenation in the Forest with a PREFA roof
Produse mentionate in articol
Tabla prefaltuita pentru acoperis PREFA Prefalz
Tabla prefaltuita pentru acoperis PREFA Prefalz

Datorita flexibilitatii Prefalz, foile de tabla metalice prefaltuite sunt mai usor de modelat, decat majoritatea materialelor asemanatoare si, datorita acestui fapt, ofera designerilor o gama larga de posibilitati de aplicare in domeniul solutiilor de acoperis si de fatada. Versatil - de la acoperisuri arcuite suspendate la cele mai complexe constructii, acoperisuri tip cupola sau acoperisuri cu suprafata mare. Prelucrarea materialului se poate realiza economic, usor si fara probleme la temperaturi exterioare (sub 0°C). Panta acoperisului este recomandata sa fie de minim 7° (13%). Datorita calitatii inalte a lacului, tablele metalice prefaltuite au o durata de viata ridicata si sunt complet reciclabile.

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Jgheaburi si burlane PREFA
Jgheaburi si burlane PREFA

Jgheaburile si burlanele PREFA sunt fabricate din benzi de aluminiu vopsite. Avantajele jgheaburilor PREFA sunt rezistenta la coroziune si durata lunga de viata, calitate originala testata, utilizare creativa datorita celor sase culori de baza si a culorilor unice, gama larga de accessorii. Substanta produselor din aluminiu PREFA sunt aliaje care corespund standardelor EN 573 si DIN 1725. Jgheaburile si burlanele sunt vopsite prin procedura Coil - Coating, si corespund prescriptiilor severe ECCA(European Coil Coating Association) din Bruxelles. Produsul PREFA rezista la temperatura de la -30°C pana la +80°C astfel indeplinesc cerintele arhitecturii exterioare. Stratul de lac rezista la toate efectele chimice si efectele generate de vreme.

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Tabla prefaltuita pentru fatada PREFA Prefalz
Tabla prefaltuita pentru fatada PREFA Prefalz

Foile de tabla prefaltuite PREFA Prefalz realizate din aluminiu sunt mai flexibile decat alte materiale prefaltuite asemanatoare faltuite, prin urmare, sunt mai usor de modelat. Ca urmare, ofera nenumarate posibilitati de design, realizarea carora, cu ajutorul altor materiale, ar fi aproape imposibile. Flexibilitatea foilor de tabla nu va afecta calitatea vopselei, astfel, rezistenta fatadei este garantata pe termen lung.

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