The new MEVA FormworkPress has arrived

The new MEVA FormworkPress has arrived

Professional Formwork News

In this issue of customer magazine MEVA presents examples of what well-functioning partnerships are capable of achieving. They report on how their partners mastered certain challenges during concrete projects in which they relied on the safe, flexible, and efficient formwork systems as well as on clever solutions from MEVA.

Read in MEVA customer magazine how their partners face challenges in the implementation of concrete construction projects. Find out how MEVA's clever solutions and technical innovations simplify work on your construction sites and enable more safety and flexibility. Read the current magazine digitally or contact them to receive your free print version by mail.

We wish you an interesting read.

The new MEVA FormworkPress has arrived
The new MEVA FormworkPress has arrived
Produse mentionate in articol
Cofraj de diafragme AluFix, de categorie usoara Cofraj modular de mana EcoAs, pentru diafragme Cofraj pentru diafragme cu sistem de ancorare variabila MEVA Mammut XT Cofraj de diafragme MEVA Mammut 350
Sisteme de cofraje MEVA
6 produse

Sisteme de cofraje modulare de mana MEVA de categorie usoara si pentru diafragme.

6 produse
Vezi detalii
Card produs
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60
Esafodaj pentru sarcini extreme MEVA MT 60

Sistemul modular MT60 se caracterizeaza prin securitate built-in si capacitate portanta inalta. Se monteaza rapid si simplu pe teren si poate fi folosit pentru cofrarea planseelor de diferite inaltimi, respectiv pentru diverse functii de sprijinire. MT60 este compatibil cu sistemul de cofraje pentru plansee MevaDec. Compatibil cu sistemul MevaFlex, cu sistemul meselor cofrante, cu structuri cu grinzi din aluminiu, respectiv este compatibil cu sistemul MEP.

Vezi detalii
Card produs
Esafodaj, schela de protectie si ecran de protectie
Esafodaj, schela de protectie si ecran de protectie
Cofraj catarator, cofraj tunel, cofraj pentru poduri
Cofraj catarator, cofraj tunel, cofraj pentru poduri
Cofraj de perete
Cofraj de perete
Cofraj, schela
Cofraj, schela

Fereastra, izolatie, caramida, adeziv, ...

Instalatii mecanice

Cazan, ventilator, baterie sanitara, ...

Instalatii electrice

Intreruptor, releu, camera video, cablaj, ...


Mobilier urban, stivuitor, mobila de birou, ...


Software CAD, aparat de masurat, utilaj, ...