The corner block frame from DOMOFERM

The flexible special frame for special installation situations. Efficient. Smart. Versatile

If the existing standard dimensions are too small and the required deduction cannot be achieved, the flexible frame solution from DOMOFERM is the perfect solution. With the new corner block frame, the desired clearance can be achieved even with smaller door openings. And all this without any clearances in the masonry thanks to time-saving, simple installation with proven leveling screws in the anchors.

The corner block frame from DOMOFERM
The corner block frame from DOMOFERM

Not only the later installation of underfloor heating or the removal of such, but also changes in the floor structure or the thickness of the floor covering, changes in the wall structure, subsequent replanning of the room design and much more can make replanning, changes to plans or subsequent installations necessary during construction despite the best preparation.

New at DOMOFERM: Flexible corner block frame for universal use

All of this can have an impact on the actual width or height of the door opening on site - the so-called standard construction dimension - and thus make the installation of a new door more difficult. But DOMOFERM has the optimal solution for special installation situations: The flexible corner block frame is the universal frame when the existing standard construction dimension is too small and the deduction dimension cannot be achieved.

The special frame combines elements from corner and block frames, making it possible to install doors in smaller openings.

Special installation situations:

  • Flexible for changes occurring on the construction site
    Quick solution within a short time to changes in the construction dimensions that sometimes occur on the construction site.
  • Ideal for existing special cases
    If the standard dimensions of the actual door opening are too small, the required clearance width can still be achieved by making a small deduction.
  • Excellent renovation solution
    Simple solution for existing special situations, whereby the clearance is hardly affected.
  • Ideal for prefabricated wall dowel installation
  • Great flexibility until completion of construction
    The corner block frame can be installed in finished rooms at the same time as the door and can be used in all common wall types.

Advantages at a glance:

  • Time-saving, easy installation thanks to proven leveling screw in the anchors
  • No clearances in the masonry required
  • Can be used in all common wall types
  • Fire protection EI30 and smoke protection available as Ux63x element and Ux431 element
  • Frames for fire protection elements including factory backfill (optionally also for T0)
  • View from hinge side like a surrounding frame
  • No screw connection in the mirror view
  • With flush cover caps in frame colour
  • Larger clearance than with block frames
  • For use with steel and wooden doors
  • Fast delivery possible.

This makes the corner block frame the universal solution for special installation conditions.

4 frame profiles for specific requirements:

Produse mentionate in articol
Usa metalica rezistenta la foc - Universal UT4xx
Usa metalica rezistenta la foc - Universal UT4xx

Usile metalice rezistente la foc Universal UT4xx sunt destinate atat spatiilor publice cat si celor private ca de exemplu: spitale, camere de hotel, birouri, mall-uri, case.

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Card produs
Usa metalica - Prestige UT6xx
Usa metalica - Prestige UT6xx

Rezistenta la foc este de la T30 la T90, avand certificari in conformitate cu standardele fiecarei tari. Usile metalice Prestige UT6xx sunt destinate zonelor publice frecventate foarte des.

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Usa metalica - Trend US4xx
Usa metalica - Trend US4xx

Usile metalice Trend US4xx sunt destinate atat spatiilor publice cat si celor private, de exemplu: spitale, camere de hotel, scoli, birouri, mall-uri, etc.

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Card produs
Usa metalica rezistenta la foc - Premium US6xx
Usa metalica rezistenta la foc - Premium US6xx

Rezistenta la foc este de la T30 la EI2 90, avand certificari in conformitate cu standardele fiecarei tari. Usile rezistente la foc Premium US6xx sunt destinate muzeelor, spitalelor, scolilor, etc.

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Card produs
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Tamplarie rezistenta la foc, perete cortina si cortina antifoc, usa speciala
Fereastra si usa metalica, profil metalic
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