Pardoseala din vinil Expona
4 produse
Colectiile Expona de pardoseala din vinil: Design, Commercial, Domestic, Simplay.
4 produse

Pardoseala din vinil Polyflor
19 produse
Pardoseli din vinil omogene, heterogene, cu protectie impotriva descarcarilor electrostatice, acustice, cu rezistenta la alunecare si tapet de perete si tavan din vinil.
19 produse

Choosing the right flooring with the new Polyflor commercial visualiser
Looking for a floor design for a commercial Interior? Preview Polyflor’s portfolio of flooring options in your space with the new commercial visualiser. Compare ranges, shades and installation directions before selecting the perfect floor for your project.

Brand New Innovative LVT from Polyflor: Camaro Loc PUR
Polyflor is pleased to announce the launch of its exciting new product range - Camaro Loc. Launched under the highly regarded Camaro LVT brand, the Camaro Loc collection features a range of interlocking planks and tiles that eliminate the need for adhesion due to their unique locking system, significantly reducing installation time.