New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device

New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device

The ideal IoT solution for small and medium-sized buildings

Connect Box enables you to manage small to medium-sized buildings in a smarter and simpler way. In a few clicks, it offers an IoT building management solution for your essential needs and connects all your devices, as well as enabling integration to your existing building automation system, building management system (BMS) or cloud application.

Connect Box is part of Siemens Xcelerator portfolio. Siemens Xcelerator is an open digital business platform that enables customers to accelerate their digital transformation easier, faster and at scale.
New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device
New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device

Benefit from a comprehensive, open and simple IoT solution

Install and operate in a few clicks
Without engineering skills, you can install and start to operate your building with Connect Box in just a few hours.

Integrate your IoT & building devices
Connect all the devices in your building, wired and IoT leveraging multiple industry standard protocols like LoRaWAN, BACnet, Modbus and many more - check the attached compatibility list.

One interface for all your needs
Operate the essentials on your building with Connect Box. You can manage your simple daily tasks in one, cloud-based interface with no additional gateway or software.

Features of Siemens Connect Box

Remotely manage at scale your building and stay in control of your enviroment. Admistrate your devices as well as access your field devices date from anywhere, anytime. Monitor your building 24/7 from one dashboard.

Be immediately notified
Create your customized alarms based on your preferences and be immediately notified when there are issues with your building’s equipment. Go through the alert history of your building and filter based on the status, severity and equipment.

Get detailed data view
Get a detailed visualization and control of your site with an accessible graphic mode. View your building data trending over a defined amount of time detect outliers values or underperforming devices which require to be substituted.

License of Siemens Connect Box

New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device
New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device

Cloud license
The Cloud license allows you to remotely connect, monitor and operate the essentials of your small to medium-sized building.

The Cloud license provides:

  • Intuitive dashboard with building management system essentials: monitoring, alarms notification and trend graphical view
  • Powerful integrations with third-party applications
  • API documentation and management.
New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device
New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device

On-premise license
The On-premise license enables to easily integrate your wired and IoT devices into your building automation system, BMS or cloud.

The On-premise license provides:

  • Remotely configurable on-site integration
  • Intuitive data download and redirectable to your cloud
  • 4G SIM card & data plan for secure and configurable network access.

Multiple protocols

New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device
New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device

Connect Box supports 11 comunication protocols (such as BACnet, Modbus, KNX, MQTT, LoRaWAN, M-Bus and more) connecting a wide range of Siemens and third-party building devices, wired or IoT.

The perfect match for indoor air quality monitoring

New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device
New Siemens Connect Box universal building supervision and monitoring device

Air quality directly impacts people lives. Maintaining a healthy indoor environment can not only improve health, productivity and wellbeing of building occupants but promote energy savings and increase property value.

Siemens offers you the right solution.

The IAQ multi-sensor works as a plug and play solution with Connect Box to provide crucial data on room air quality. It measures air quality in real time, checking key metrics like temperature and humidity, CO₂ saturation, VOC and PM2.5 emissions, as well as light and noise level, while Connect Box monitors the air performance over time in the room.

With its user friendly approach you can substantially improve indoor air quality in small to medium sized buildings such as schools, retail shops, apartments or small offices.

Produse mentionate in articol
Multi-senzor Siemens Symaro™ QNA2…D pentru calitatea aerului interior
Multi-senzor Siemens Symaro™ QNA2…D pentru calitatea aerului interior

Multi-senzorii IAQ inregistreaza urmatoarele marimi in sistemele de ventilatie si aer conditionat: temperatura, umiditate relativa, concentratii CO₂, concentratii VOC, concentratii PM2.5, valoare estimata PM10, presiune sonora, iluminare.

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Dispozitiv de supraveghere si monitorizare a cladirii Siemens Connect Box
Dispozitiv de supraveghere si monitorizare a cladirii Siemens Connect Box

Connect Box este o solutie IoT simpla, universala si deschisa pentru conectarea si monitorizarea cladirilor mici si mijlocii. Utilizatorii pot incepe folosirea sistemului din prima zi datorita instalarii plug & play si configuratiei simple si interfetei de utilizare intuitive. Imbunatatirea eficientei energetice, confortul cladirii si reducerea costurilor in cladirile existente nu a fost niciodata atat de usoara.

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Siemens Connect Box o solutie IoT simpla si intuitiva pentru a conecta si monitoriza cladirile
Siemens Connect Box o solutie IoT simpla si intuitiva pentru a conecta si monitoriza cladirile
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Siemens Connect Box o solutie IoT simpla si intuitiva pentru a conecta si monitoriza cladirile
Multi-senzor Siemens Symaro™ QNA2…D pentru calitatea aerului interior
Multi-senzor Siemens Symaro™ QNA2…D pentru calitatea aerului interior
Disponibil in doua variante BACnet sau LoRaWAN
Multi-senzor Siemens Symaro™ QNA2…D pentru calitatea aerului interior
Sistem de monitorizare cladire
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