New AluFix column panels from MEVA

User-friendliness and flexibility are the hallmarks of MEVA’s successful AluFix hand-set formwork system. Its wide-ranging applications, with crane-free deployment for casting foundations, walls, even floor slabs, have now been further extended: 150 and 300 cm tall AluFix column panels now allow inch-perfect shuttering in 5 cm increments for column cross-sections of up to 60 × 60 cm side length.

New AluFix column panels
New AluFix column panels

The centre-punched rear face of the durable alkus all-plastic facing, with its seven-year warranty, simplifies manual drilling of the required tie holes. Special alkus plugs allow these to be closed off flush using the same material. A low weight of only 20.70 kg/m² and the ergonomic grip profile vouch for non-strenuous handling of the panels.

New AluFix column panels
New AluFix column panels

Versatility trumps all: the column panels are equipped with all the time-tested AluFix functions and can also serve as standard panels. The full-surface fresh concrete load capacity runs to 50 kN/m² for three rows of ties and a full 75 kN/m² where four rows of ties, push-pull props and shoe plates are used.

New AluFix column panels
New AluFix column panels

The modular system comprising closed aluminium profiles with a high-grade, powder-coated finish, only few connectors and a wide range of panel heights and widths is readily adaptable to numerous geometries. It offers a long service life and delivers top-quality concreting results on residential, commercial and civil engineering projects, refurbishment contracts as well as garden architecture and landscaping schemes.

Produse mentionate in articol
Panouri de cofraj pentru coloane AluFix
Panouri de cofraj pentru coloane AluFix

Panourile de cofraj pentru coloane AluFix cu inaltimea de 150 si 300 cm, permit cofrari cu o precizie la centimetru pentru sectiunile transversale ale coloanelor in trepte de 5 cm pana la max. 60 × 60 cm lungime laterala. Versatilitatea invinge totul: panourile de coloana sunt echipate cu toate functiile AluFix testate in timp si pot servi, de asemenea, ca panouri standard. Capacitatea de incarcare a betonului proaspat pe intreaga suprafata ajunge la 50 kN/m² pentru trei randuri de legaturi si la 75 kN/m² in cazul in care se utilizeaza patru randuri de legaturi.

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Card produs
Unitate cofraj si schelarie, scara
Unitate cofraj si schelarie, scara
Cofraj de stalp
Cofraj de stalp
Cofraj de perete
Cofraj de perete
Cofraj, schela
Cofraj, schela

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