Internorm Ablak Kft.

Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm

Usile de terasa si de balcon Internorm ofera spatii pline de lumina si o legatura intre spatiile interioare si exterioare, respectiv un loc de relaxare aproape de natura - fie ca este vorba un balcon, o terasa sau o gradina. Internorm ofera o gama de prima clasa de usi de terasa si usi de balcon care evidentiaza caracterul arhitectural al casei.


Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm

Terrace and balcony doors

Light and the connection between your home and nature
Natural light cannot be compared to artificial light. The first rays of the morning, the warming southern sunshine or the soothing sunset all fill the space with a special atmosphere. All this can be felt even more with the patio and balcony doors. Through them, light enters the interiors, which makes our spaces homey, where it is good to retreat to.

Patio and balcony doors not only provide light-filled spaces, but also provide a connection between our own four villages and a place to relax close to nature - be it a balcony, a terrace or a garden. Internorm offers a first-class range of patio doors and balcony doors that highlight the architectural character of your home.

Designs of patio doors and balcony doors

Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm

Openness to taste
Internorm patio doors and balcony doors are available in three different versions: as a single-leaf, double-leaf element (switch) or as a two-part element with a divider (eg wing / divider / fixed barrier wing / divider / wing).

Depending on how they open, our balcony doors can be simple opening and tilting designs as well as complex sliding doors such as the parallel sliding door (PSK). Alternatively, the door leaf can be selected so that the leaf opens outwards. In this case, the door leaf can be locked. This variation may be particularly suitable for freely accessible terraces and balconies. Whatever ideas you have, Internorm has the right solution for you.
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm

Both the sill height and the central seal on the sash play a significant role in buying the right patio door for you. With us, the threshold is optionally 30 mm (ÖNORM), 20 mm (DIN) or completely barrier-free. Lifting and sliding doors, for example, have a barrier that differs from doors and windows in terms of operation and opening mode.

The material - not just an element of style
We make our patio doors and balcony doors from plastic, plastic-aluminum and wood-aluminum. Not only do each material differ in appearance, but it also exhibits functional differences.

Plastic balcony doors
Plastic patio doors convince us with their high thermal insulation and low maintenance requirements. They are particularly resistant and even moisture does not hurt them. Another compelling argument is high  burglary security. Because just like plastic windows, plastic patio doors are equipped with security hardware.

Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm

Plastic-aluminum balcony doors
Plastic-aluminum balcony doors have the same technical characteristics as plastic patio doors. But they have one more advantage: the outer aluminum cover is available in a variety of colors. We offer a wide range of colors for trendy stainless steel skis, shades of gray or classic white.

Wood-aluminum balcony doors
Wood is a powerful and defining aesthetic element. You have the opportunity to determine the appearance of your dream living space through the different types of wood, coloring, and surface appearances. Create the personal atmosphere of your home with the unique variety of possibilities of wood! With the combination of wood, thermal foam and aluminum, the balcony doors will also have excellent thermal insulation. Thanks to the aluminum design and the external surface, all windows will have a uniform appearance, while guaranteeing a long service life and weather resistance.

Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Usi de terasa si balcon Internorm
Alte produse ale companiei
Fereastra din lemn/aluminiu cu canate cuplate HV 340
Fereastra din lemn/aluminiu cu canate cuplate HV 340

Fereastra din lemn/aluminiu cu canate cuplate HV 340 este disponibila in variantele home soft si ambiente. La modelul de baza izolare termica cu vitraj triplustratificat (Ug = 0,95 W/m²K) Uw = 0,99 W/m²K. Valoarea cea mai buna a izolarii termice pe langa o greutate redusa pana la Uw0,63 W/m²K (cu vitraj 3light). Izolare fonica pana la 44 dB la modelul de baza, 45 dB (cu vitraj corespunzator). Adancime de montare 93 mm.

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Fereastra Internorm din plastic si plastic/aluminiu KF 310
Fereastra Internorm din plastic si plastic/aluminiu KF 310

Cele mai bune valori de izolare termica si fonica sunt la fel de evidente ca lipirea circulara a sticlei cu cercevea. Pe langa o gama larga de culori, manere si sticla, KF 310 poate fi comandat si ca usa de terasa – si mai recent si ca usa de balcon francez. Muchiile exterioare accentuate ale tocului si cercevelelor reprezinta stilul de design home pure.

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Usa KS 430 liftant-culisanta din plastic si plastic/aluminiu
Usa KS 430 liftant-culisanta din plastic si plastic/aluminiu

Usile liftant-culisante KS 430 din plastic respectiv din plastic/aluminiu garanteaza incaperi bine luminate. Elementele glisante de dimensiuni mari se pot actiona foarte usor si asigura spatiu mult mai mult. Vitrajele de dimensiuni mari necesita insa protectie suplimentara. Usa liftant-culisanta prevazuta cu vitraj de 3 straturi, asigura o izolare termica perfecta, este eficienta energetic si mentine la un nivel redus facturile de incalzire. Se poate comanda pana la dimensiunea de 580 x 280 cm. Asigura stabilitate mai mare datorita pragului cu fibre de sticla. Izolare termica pana la Uw 0,64 W/m²K poate fi utilizata la casele pasive.

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Fereastra din lemn/aluminiu HF 410
Fereastra din lemn/aluminiu HF 410

Prin sortimentul bogat de culoare si material lemnos, noua fereastra din lemn/aluminiu HF 410 asigura nenumarate posibilitati pentru designul spatiului de locuit. Stejar si frasin, care, pe langa molid, se regasesc in ofertele Internorm, prezentand un raport calitate/pret atragator.

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Usi de intrare Internorm din lemn/aluminiu HT 410
Usi de intrare Internorm din lemn/aluminiu HT 410

Tranzitia lina intre toc si foaia usii, armaturile ascunse, rozetele plate si taieturile incastrate, precum cadrul plat pentru sticla formeaza impreuna un design perfect.

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