Graboplast’s MEGA special sports floor won the Inovyn Award

Won the Responsible Care gold medal at the „K 2022” Plastics Industry Exhibition in Düsseldorf

MEGA is a PVC sports floor that guarantees joint protection even for small bodied athletes. The special foam sístem flexibly transfers the energy that occurs and dissipates it to the ground, thus protecting the athlete’s joints. This is especially important for small size athletes.

Graboplast’s MEGA special sports floor won the Inovyn Award
Graboplast’s MEGA special sports floor won the Inovyn Award

MEGA provides significant protection thanks to its outstanding power dissipation value. The manufacturing process consists of fewer steps, which results in a reduction of emitted carbon dioxide, and is purely based on PVC polymer, which guarantees easier recyclability.

Graboplast’s MEGA special sports floor won the Inovyn Award
Graboplast’s MEGA special sports floor won the Inovyn Award
Produse mentionate in articol
Pardoseli pentru competitii sportive Grabo
Pardoseli pentru competitii sportive Grabo

GraboSport Mega, GraboSport Extreme, GraboSport Supreme si GraboSport Elite sunt ideale tuturor tipurilor de competitii sportive. Datorita structurii constructiei acestora si stratului de spuma combinata, acestea ofera o protectie reala articulatiilor in timpul activitatilor sportive, astfel incat, activitatile sportive regulate nu vor avea un impact negativ asupra sanatatii sportivului pe termen lung. Pardoselile pentru competitii sportive au fost create astfel incat acestea ajuta la prevenirea alunecarii si accidentelor cauzate de acestea.

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