DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design

DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design

Wood has really made its mark on interior design in recent years, with green targets becoming an important part of both the exterior and interior of buildings. DEKO’s partition solutions are always customised to meet the customer’s wishes for material and design.

Wood is one of the most sustainable materials around. It has many fantastic properties both functional and aesthetic, it is stable, durable and adds spatial well-being to the interior the way only nature can.

Increasingly, contractors and architects want to integrate nature into their buildings and wood frequently ends up being the dominant element in the construction and interior design of a building. Complemented, of course, by the most important ingredients in a harmonious working environment: transparency, functionality and, not least of all, natural light. This is where DEKO’s partition solutions play an important role.

DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design
DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design

Minimalist fully glazed partitions in a slim wood design

The DEKO FG Nature glazed partition is for those who want to combine functionality with natural elements to create an aesthetic whole. Just like DEKO FG, the design of the product itself is minimal, with single-glazing floor-to-ceiling elements, finished with slim wooden profiles where they meet the supporting sections of the building. The popular fully glazed partition can reduce sound by up to 42 dB. The large floor-to-ceiling glazed elements contribute to complete transparency, not only opening up the environment but also ensuring a nice, even distribution of building lighting and natural light.

If you want to enjoy the aesthetic benefits of glass but also need to create a separate space, for exemple a meeting room or canteen, our glazed partitions are available with an optional film decoration. This decoration can be customised so that the colour and motif match the decor, giving you a practical space solution with an aesthetic finish that will delight those with an eye for detail.

DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design
DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design

Customised mobile partitions with special wood veneer

When it comes to creating the best possible working conditions, it’s all about how you fit out the office and you can also lay the foundations for a more effective working environment by exploiting your square footage to the full. The DEKO MV mobile partition is a classic and flexible room divider, suitable for areas that call for maximum flexibility, functionality and the ability to separate rooms quickly and easily.

The construction and design are customised to the individual interior design and come in almost all heights, widths, and colours. If you are looking for the ultimate room divider, we can also provide beautiful, highly detailed wood veneers according to your specifications, so you don’t have to compromise on natural aesthetics. For rooms with particularly strict sound requirements, the wood veneer surface can be adapted so that it simultaneously functions as an acoustic panel and helps to significantly improve the acoustics.

The partition solution can reduce sound by up to 60 dB and has a fire rating of up to EI 60 when closed. If you want to open up the space, the individual sections of the partition can be moved individually, giving you countless options to create niches, separate spaces and more. In other words, the choice is all yours: if you need a more open space, the mobile partition can be folded away quickly and easily, allowing you to change the function of the space in the blink of an eye.​

DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design
DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design
Produse mentionate in articol
Perete de sticla DEKO FG
Perete de sticla DEKO FG

Sistem de compartimentare complet din sticla, cu finisaj vitrat de aproape 99,9%. Ofera luminozitate naturala incredibila, care maximizeaza fluxul de lumina. DEKO FG este alcatuit dintr-un strat de panouri din sticla cu inaltime completa, finisat cu profile din aluminiu subtiri, in care sticla intalneste elementele de constructie invecinate. Ca elemente de sistem pot fi incorporate usi DEKO cu rama din aluminiu (armat cu insertie din MDF). Foaia de usa poate fi din sticla sau lemn.

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Perete mobil DEKO MV
Perete mobil DEKO MV

DEKO MV este peretele mobil perfect pentru divizare in diverse unitati mai mici, ori de cate ori este nevoie de formatiuni flexibile, individuale sau de parcare. Sectiunile individuale sunt operate separat. Aceasta ofera o multitudine de optiuni de parcare: de exemplu, in nise sau in camere separate. DEKO MV este, de asemenea, solutia optima atunci cand se solicita un nivel ridicat de izolatie fonica si siguranta la foc, precum si pentru pereti despartitori cu dimensiuni mari. Marimea flexibila, aspectul si numarul de module din peretele panoului sunt personalizate pentru fiecare proiect, astfel incat peretele panoului se gaseste ca parte integranta a restului interiorului.

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Perete mobil DEKO MV Glass
Perete mobil DEKO MV Glass

Peretii mobili complet vitrati DEKO sunt realizati din sticla transparenta securizata cu un singur strat de 10 sau 12 mm, cu profile de aluminiu subtiri si continue in partea superioara si inferioara a elementelor de sticla. Suprafetele de sticla minimaliste constituie un element discret in incapere si contribuie la un mediu deschis, luminos in mod natural, care incurajeaza conditii de lucru linistite si placute chiar si atunci cand sunt inchise. Datorita constructiei flexibile a peretilor despartitori vitrati mobili DEKO MV, puteti utiliza la maximum potentialul unei incaperi prin utilizarea unei compartimentari totale sau partiale, in functie de nevoi. Peretii despartitori sunt suspendati de sine din aluminiu montate in constructia portanta a tavanului si nu necesita sine fixate in podea. Fiecare element vitrat poate fi manevrat si blocat independent, oferind o multitudine de optiuni de configurare adecvate din punct de vedere spatial si vizual pentru o viata profesionala aglomerata.

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Perete de sticla DEKO FG Nature
Perete de sticla DEKO FG Nature

DEKO FG Nature ca si DEKO FG, pastreaza aceleasi caracteristici de design minimalist, dar cu profile din lemn asortate cu cadre de usa din acelasi material. DEKO FG Nature este format dintr-un singur strat de sticla, pe toata inaltimea, finisat cu profile subtiri din lemn de esenta tare la toate interfetele cu interiorul existent, creand o completare de inalta performanta, dar delicata, pentru un interior modern.

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DEKO's minimalist and functional partition solutions in a detailed wooden design
Solutii de compartimentare DEKO, minimaliste si functionale intr-un design detaliat din lemn
In ultimii ani, lemnul si-a pus cu adevarat amprenta asupra designului interior, tintele ecologice devenind o parte importanta atat in exteriorul, cat si in interiorul cladirilor. Solutiile de compartimentare DEKO sunt intotdeauna personalizate pentru a satisface dorintele clientului in ceea ce priveste materialul si designul.
Solutii de compartimentare DEKO, minimaliste si functionale intr-un design detaliat din lemn

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